Friday, February 21, 2014

Time To Get Blinded

In the last post I said that if I had gotten rid of the cornices, I would have regretted it. Let me explain why. I knew that I wanted white 2" wood blinds on the windows in here. I love the look of them but I had 3 required marks that needed to be met.
1. They had to be room-darkening because I need absolute, complete darkness to sleep.
2. They had to be the right size because these windows have odd dimensions.
3. They couldn't be too expensive which is something I feared given the odd dimensions, I thought I might have to get custom made ones.

Fortunately I found ones that met all the requirements at Walmart. I picked up four 39" Better Homes and Gardens White 2" Faux Wood Blinds for a total of $120. Not bad.

I was all ready to hang them when I realized that they couldn't be mounted inside the window frame as planned. The windows are side-sliding privacy windows and the can be removed to clean them or replace the screen/storm windows. I wouldn't be able to take out the windows with the blinds mounted inside the window frame. I would have to mount them outside the window on the trim above but another problem, I had already put the cornices back up and I didn't want to take them down and rehang them not to mention make holes in the trim. I decided to mount the blinds right to the underside of the cornice.

These windows are very short so there were a couple inches of unused slats resting on the window sill. Once they were mounted, I followed the directions to remove the extras, something I've never done before. It really makes a big difference and it's nice that when they are down, you don't have to worry about making sure each end is straight or keeping the excess from falling off the window sill.

A happy accident, the blinds mounted to the cornice completely cover the air conditioner and look completely normal when closed. No bulging. Normally blinds mounted outside the frame are supposed to extend past the window and cover all of the window trim on the sides. Grandma picked up some great curtain panels that I actually like which will go on the ends and in the middle and cover the gaps. The room is starting to come together.

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